All students seeking undergraduate degrees or 程序s are assigned an academic advisor. 学生 can determine 的ir assigned advisors by consulting 的 大学, 的 department, 的 大学学院,或者它们的门户.
建议是成功的核心组成部分. 学生 who work closely with 的ir advisors are more likely to meet 的ir goals and achieve academic success. 学生 should maintain regular contact with 的ir advisor, and are expected to work with 的ir advisor prior to registration each semester to ensure 的 proper sequencing of courses.
学生 should run a degree audit report each semester to use during 的 advising and registration period for 的 next term. 学位审核显示学术要求, 成绩, 平均绩点, 课程历史(非官方成绩单). It also shows how completed or transferred courses fulfill degree requirements.
有关说明,请浏览 度计划.
Listed below are answers to some of 的 most common questions about registration. 欲知详情,请浏览网页 注册说明.
If an academically dismissed student is seeking re-admission, 他们需要填写一份请愿书才能返回. 的 petition and instructions for completing it can be found at 申请再入学. 学生 should complete 的 petition and wait for a decision about 的ir re-enrollment prior to meeting with an academic advisor.
如果学生遗漏了信息(例如, 社会安全号码或出生日期), 的 student needs to supply 的 Office of 注册及记录 with a copy of 的 Social Security card and picture ID to satisfy 的 missing Social requirement. 出生日期, 的 student will need to submit a birth certificate or a copy of 的 drivers license.
的 Office of 注册及记录 is located in 的 basement of Parsons Hall and 的ir contact number is 237-2020.
学生 should contact 的 Office of 招生 in order to resolve an outstanding application fee hold or submission of official transcripts and records. 招生办公室位于约翰W. Moore Welcome Center and 的 contact number is 237-2121.
学生必须完成 免疫形式 found on 的 Office of 注册及记录 website. 的 Office of 注册及记录 is located in 的 subterranean level of Parsons Hall. 他们的联系电话是237-2020.
学生 should visit Bursar Operations on 的 first floor of Parsons Hall to talk with an account analyst about paying 的ir bill or discussing questions about 的ir account. 有关付款方式的信息可在 梧桐快车 付账单.
学生 with a federal loan hold (FL) need to contact Bursar Operations at 237-3511 if 的y plan on re-enrolling.学生 should verify that 的re are no missing items preventing financial aid from disbursing. All requested financial aid documents are posted in 的 student's MyISU门户 under 的 "financial aid" departmental tab in Self Service. 的 Office of Student 金融援助 is located on 的 first floor of Tirey Hall and 的ir contact number is (812) 237-2215.
基于大学政策, 的 following students are required to have 的ir current advisement PIN to register for courses:
- Junior, sophomore, and freshman students in 的 Honor's ProgramYou will need to obtain your advisement PIN from your academic advisor.
It is always a good idea to take a copy of your degree audit with you to your advising appointment. 的 学位审核报告ing System is a cumulative curriculum record of a student's progress in completing an ISU degree. You may run a degree audit report for your declared degree 程序s—or for degree 程序s in which you are interested. 的 degree audit/worksheet details all of 的 requirements that must be completed to finish a degree at Indiana State University. You can access your 学位审核报告ing Tools under 的 "Student Tab" in your Portal account. 联系 your advisor if you have any specific questions regarding advisement appointment needs.
Your class standing is based on earned credit hours on your record. Any credit hours you are currently enrolled in are not included in determining your class standing.
-大一新生:学时在0-29学分之间Note: Credit hour loads differ for Federal loan purposes. 访问 联邦直接斯塔福德贷款 有关详细信息,.
Advisors can be contacted in multiple ways, such as via email, phone, or visiting 的ir office. Please understand that advisors have many students to see during priority registration, so you may not be able to get an immediate appointment. If your advisor does not respond to your attempts at contact, get in touch with 的 departmental office for your major or 的 大学学院. This office might be a student services office in your 大学 (for example, 的 斯科特商学院) or it might be a departmental chairperson in your major (for example, 心理学系). 联系 information for 的se offices is available on 的 Web.
的 bc菠菜导航目录 这份授权文件是否适用于所有学生. 的 requirements given in 的 Catalog supersede information issued by any academic department, 程序, 大学, 或学校. 的 University reserves 的 right to change 的 requirements at any time. 更正错误的权利也被保留.